Guide to The Silmarillion: Of the Sun and the Moon and the Hiding of Valinor (Ch. 11)

“But the flower and the fruit Yavanna gave to Aulë, and Manwë hallowed them, and Aulë and his people made vessels to hold them and preserve their radiance: as is said in the Narsilion, the Song of the Sun and Moon. These vessels the Valar gave to Varda, that they might become lamps of heaven, outshining the ancient stars, being nearer to Arda; and she gave them power to traverse the lower regions of Ilmen, and set them to voyage upon appointed courses above the girdle of the Earth from the West unto the East and to return.” - Of the Sun and the Moon and the Hiding of Valinor

Guide to The Silmarillion: Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor (Ch. 6)

“Fëanor grew swiftly, as if a secret fire were kindled within him… Few ever changed his courses by counsel, none by force. He became of all the Noldor, then or after, the most subtle in mind and the most skilled in hand… and he it was who, first of the Noldor, discovered how gems greater and brighter than those of the Earth might be made with skill.” - The Silmarillion, Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor

Guide to The Silmarillion: Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië (Ch. 5)

In this chapter, we follow the majority of the Eldar as they make the journey from Middle-earth to the Blessed Realm. We also get to know a lot about Finwë’s Family, which is important because they're about to get themselves in a lot of trouble. At the end of this chapter, all but two groups of elves have completed this journey! The two groups left behind are the Falathrim and the Eglath, the Forsaken People (the kindred and friends of Elwë).